This was the movie I had watched earlier. I decided on this because I thought that The Croods was a little too kid-like for my parents and considered their feelings when I choose this. ☺
Well, it was brilliant to say the least. The scenes just contrasted so well together - fast and slow all mixed nicely in a movie.

However, there were some fighting scenes that were a little hard to catch up since it was so fast and all you can see is a blur of bodies moving around.
Of course, one of the main reasons I wanted to watch this movie was because of Lee Byung Hyun, a South Korean actor. He acts really well in movies but this is the first time I have ever heard his English.

It was flawless, not what I expected of an Asian man who only started learning English at a later age.

His role in the movie is also really cool, I mean who wouldn't love a bad guy who wears white? Black is just too cliche.

And his body... One word: Wow.
Just look at that! I thought it was so perfect yet I had laughed during the movie when his part (shirt-ripping) came in. Half the cinema, the feminine half, had made a collective gasp at that scene.

It was so hilarious! All the others guys were like "It isn't THAT great."

I know, I could hear that guy behind me.
However, the rest of the characters were so good as well. I loved Duke (Channing Tatum) the first time I saw him, but he just had to die. He was a really great character... Oh well, I could just go and see the previous movie.

The action in this movie was not overwhelming at all. It was a sweet mix of emotions and violence, though interlinked but so different.

I really love this movie, so much for it being a manly one. Girls can love it too!

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